Lower Back Treatment - Amarillo TX

Low Back Pain is a leading cause of seeking medical care. You could be suffering from an acute problem from yard work, or a more chronic problem that has been with you much of your life. Dr. Ehle has a variety of natural tools that can offer some help to an ailing back. He has 25 years experience treating lower back pain utilizing manipulation, acupuncture, massage and decompression therapies to bring relief. If there is chronic lower back pain, often there is a deeper structural issue precipitating the lower back pain. Bulging discs, disc degeneration, arthritis, muscle weakness, vertebra and/or pelvis/sacrum being out of place can all contribute to lower back pain and dysfunction. Chiropractic spinal manipulation is very effective for treating low back pain. Combining manipulation with acupuncture and decompression therapies is a successful solution to chronic lower back pain.