Can a Chiropractor Help Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, the persistent ringing or buzzing sound in the ears, can stem from various underlying factors. In the pursuit of addressing this condition, a chiropractor plays a valuable role within the healthcare team, contributing insights and potential solutions. While chiropractic care may not directly treat all forms of tinnitus, it holds promise in several scenarios.

If tinnitus arises due to the excessive use of medications like aspirin, NSAIDs, or Tylenol—known to trigger ear-related ringing—chiropractors can guide you in understanding the potential harm caused by overuse. Although chiropractic care may not provide direct treatment for the tinnitus itself, it can foster awareness about medication-related effects.

However, if tinnitus originates from static factors such as muscle tension, stress, misaligned vertebrae, or jaw issues in the head and neck region, chiropractic care emerges as a primary avenue for relief. The intricate relationship between musculoskeletal dynamics and the auditory system positions chiropractors to address these underlying causes. By working to alleviate tension, correct misalignments, and address stress-related factors, chiropractors contribute significantly to the overall management and potential reduction of tinnitus symptoms.

In essence, while chiropractic care might not offer a universal solution to all forms of tinnitus, it proves to be a pivotal element in the quest to understand its origins, provide relief, and optimize overall well-being, particularly in cases rooted in musculoskeletal and stress-related factors around the head and neck.


What Is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus, often described as a persistent ringing, buzzing, hissing, or clicking sound in the ears, is a phenomenon that can significantly impact one’s quality of life. It stems from an underlying issue within the ears themselves or the intricate network of structures encompassing the ears, head, and neck. This enigmatic auditory perception can vary in intensity and frequency, creating a unique experience for each individual affected. Tinnitus underscores the delicate interplay between the auditory system and broader anatomical dynamics, making it a multifaceted condition that demands careful consideration and targeted approaches for management and relief.


What Causes Tinnitus?

Tinnitus arises from a multitude of underlying factors, reflecting the intricate interplay between the auditory system and various physiological dynamics. The origins of tinnitus encompass a spectrum of possibilities, including:

Hearing Loss:

Age-related nerve deficiency can amplify internal noises, contributing to tinnitus. Arthritis affecting the bones within the ear can accentuate lower-frequency sounds. Additionally, excessive earwax buildup can impede sound conduction, resulting in tinnitus.


Noise-Induced Damage:

Exposure to loud noises can inflict damage upon the delicate nerves within the ear, leading to both hearing loss and the onset of tinnitus. This underscores the importance of protecting one’s ears from excessive noise levels.


Medication Overuse:

Certain medications, such as aspirin, NSAIDs, and Tylenol, have the potential to harm the nerves in the ear, consequently triggering tinnitus as an adverse effect.


Structural Factors:

Tinnitus can emanate from structural irregularities around the head and neck region. Muscle tension, stress, or misaligned vertebrae in the neck can generate static within the nerves and ear structures, resulting in the perception of ringing. Dysfunctions in the jaw joint (TMJ), often caused by clenching or misalignment, are also prominent contributors to tinnitus.


Acupuncture System Imbalance:

The balance within the acupuncture system, which comprises several meridians that influence the head and neck, plays a role in tinnitus and related conditions like Meniere’s disease. Exploring this imbalance can hold promise for addressing tinnitus.


This intricate web of potential causes highlights the complexity of tinnitus and the necessity of a comprehensive approach when seeking understanding, relief, and management of this condition.


Can a Chiropractor Help Tinnitus?

Chiropractors, specializing in head and neck care, play a crucial role in addressing tinnitus that arises from stress or injuries to the neck and shoulders. By aligning and reducing restrictions in the neck, chiropractors help restore function and reduce the static sounds heard in the ears. Chiropractic care may involve various techniques such as spinal adjustments, neck massage, and even acupuncture.


Chiropractic Techniques for Tinnitus

Chiropractors possess specialized expertise in the intricate care of the head and neck, rendering them pivotal professionals for addressing tinnitus originating from stress or injuries to these regions. As primary specialists for such cases, chiropractors embark on a multifaceted journey to alleviate tinnitus-related discomfort.

By focusing on the neck, chiropractors diligently align and alleviate restrictions within its structures. This approach not only restores optimal function but also mitigates the static sensations heard within the ears, contributing to a potential reduction in tinnitus symptoms.

Some chiropractors direct specific attention to the head-on-neck relationship, honing in on structures closest to the ear. The nuanced interplay between the upper neck and the skull necessitates precise adjustments, emphasizing the complexity and finesse required to achieve optimal outcomes.

Acknowledging the interconnection between the skull and the sacrum, the tailbone, chiropractors may employ Cranial Sacral Therapy. This technique strives to achieve equilibrium within the head and pelvis, subsequently inducing relaxation within the ear-associated structures.

In practice, chiropractors like Dr. Ehle evaluate all facets of the head and neck, identifying areas of stress and dysfunction. A keen focus on the upper cervical vertebrae and their relationship with the skull ensures meticulous adjustments to bring about balance. The integration of Applied Kinesiology empowers chiropractors to execute highly precise adjustments, promoting enhanced function and diminishing stress within tissues that may influence ear-related concerns.

Furthermore, an assessment of the meridians encircling the head and neck aids in pinpointing active and imbalanced points. By addressing these specific points, chiropractors strive to alleviate stress and restore normal function within this vital area. This comprehensive approach underscores the intricate strategies chiropractors deploy to contribute to the management and potential relief of tinnitus symptoms.


Book Your Chiropractic Appointment Today

Ready to explore the potential benefits of chiropractic care for tinnitus? Schedule an appointment with Dr. Ehle to experience specialized techniques aimed at reducing tinnitus symptoms and enhancing your overall well-being. Request an appointment now and embark on a journey towards relief and improved quality of life.

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Will Medicare Cover Chiropractic Services?

For individuals aged 65 and above, as well as those on Medicare disability, the prospect of Medicare covering chiropractic services offers a ray of hope for managing the challenges of pain and discomfort that often accompany this phase of life. Specifically, Medicare Part B extends its coverage to include spinal manipulation performed by chiropractors, presenting a valuable option for addressing musculoskeletal issues. This coverage holds particular significance as it aligns with a time when aches and pains can become overwhelming, potentially hindering one’s ability to fully engage in daily activities and enjoy life to the fullest.

It’s worth noting that the landscape of chiropractic care providers includes both ‘participating providers’ and ‘non-participating providers’. A participating provider offers the service and subsequently submits the bill to Medicare for direct payment. On the other hand, a non-participating provider requires payment at the time of service, with the provider later billing Medicare for reimbursement. Medicare then follows its established payment schedule to refund the patient the amount paid for the service. Understanding the distinction between these provider types can help you navigate the process and make informed choices about your chiropractic care.


Does Medicare Cover Chiropractic Care?

If you’re a Medicare beneficiary, you’ll be pleased to know that Medicare Part B covers spinal manipulation performed by chiropractors. This coverage extends to those aged 65 and over, as well as individuals on Medicare disability. This service becomes particularly valuable during a stage of life when dealing with discomfort can significantly impact daily activities and quality of life.


Chiropractors can be classified as either ‘participating providers’ or ‘non-participating providers.’ A participating provider directly bills Medicare for the service and receives payment from Medicare. In contrast, a non-participating provider requires upfront payment, and Medicare later refunds the covered amount according to its payment schedule.


What Parts of Medicare Cover Chiropractic Care?

Navigating the landscape of Medicare coverage for chiropractic care requires a clear understanding of the different parts of Medicare and their specific domains. Medicare Part B is tailored to encompass doctor visits that occur outside of a hospital setting, providing coverage for a diverse range of outpatient medical services. However, it’s important to note that hospital visits, including chiropractic care received within a hospital, are categorized under Medicare Part A, which includes chiropractic care. Understanding that chiropractic care is a covered service under Part B is crucial to keep in mind, particularly if you have Medicare coverage limited to Part A. In such cases, access to chiropractic services may not be available under your current plan. By comprehending the coverage areas of different Medicare parts, you can make informed decisions about your healthcare options and ensure that you receive the appropriate care for your needs.


What Chiropractic Services Does Medicare Not Cover?

Medicare Part B extends coverage for specific chiropractic services, notably including spinal manipulation—a cornerstone of chiropractic care. However, it’s important to recognize that there are additional services provided by chiropractors that fall beyond the scope of Medicare coverage. While spinal manipulation receives coverage, certain standard medical procedures performed by chiropractors may not be covered under Medicare Part B.

For instance, the initial history and examination—a crucial step in understanding your condition and potential responsiveness to spinal manipulation—are not covered by Medicare. Similarly, X-rays conducted by a chiropractor, essential for comprehending spine and bone conditions and identifying sources of pain and dysfunction, are not covered either. These initial assessments, alongside X-rays, are considered cash services and are not included in Medicare coverage.

Nevertheless, once these diagnostic procedures are completed, the subsequent spinal manipulation performed by a chiropractor becomes eligible for Medicare coverage.

Furthermore, it’s important to note that there are additional services offered by chiropractors, such as acupuncture, cold laser therapy, shock wave therapy, massage and e-stim muscle therapy, that are not covered by Medicare. These services, often considered cash services, may provide alternative avenues for addressing specific health concerns beyond the scope of Medicare coverage. Being aware of these coverage boundaries empowers you to make informed decisions about your chiropractic care and explore available options to best suit your needs.


How Much Does a Chiropractic Visit Typically Cost?

Determining the cost of a chiropractic visit involves a combination of factors, and it’s prudent to initiate a conversation with the chiropractor’s office to gain clarity on the expenses involved. If you’re contemplating chiropractic treatment, reaching out to the office directly to inquire about the cost of services is a proactive step. They can provide you with a breakdown of which services will be covered by Medicare and which ones will not, enabling you to make informed financial decisions.

Under Medicare Part B, covered chiropractic services are typically paid at 80% of the approved amount, leaving a 20% co-insurance responsibility on your end. However, having supplemental insurance coverage in conjunction with Medicare Part B can mitigate this co-payment burden. Supplemental insurance, commonly referred to as Medigap, is designed to cover the 20% co-payment, easing the financial impact of chiropractic care.

If you choose a participating provider, they will take care of the billing process by submitting claims to Medicare and your supplemental insurance. This streamlined approach ensures that you receive the appropriate coverage and benefits without unnecessary hassle.

It’s important to acknowledge that the cost of a chiropractic visit may vary based on the complexity of your case and the nature of the services provided. For instance, if you’re seeking relief from neck pain alone, the cost might differ from a visit that addresses both neck and low back pain. By proactively engaging with the chiropractor’s office and understanding the range of costs associated with your specific needs, you can embark on your chiropractic journey well-informed and financially prepared.


How Many Chiropractic Visits Will Medicare Pay For?

Understanding the extent of chiropractic care coverage under Medicare involves considering the specific diagnosis associated with your condition. Medicare bases the number of allowable chiropractic visits on the diagnosis provided by your healthcare provider. This approach ensures that the coverage aligns with the complexity and needs of your unique health situation.

For instance, if you’re diagnosed with a relatively uncomplicated condition Medicare may provide coverage for up to 12 chiropractic visits. However, when faced with a more intricate diagnosis such as sciatica or degenerative disc disease, Medicare may extend coverage for a greater number of visits, potentially up to 30.

It’s important to note that certain diagnoses may require additional validation through X-rays or imaging to establish the necessity of chiropractic care. Degenerative disc disease, for example, often requires imaging to confirm the diagnosis. By linking the coverage allowance to the diagnosis and its corresponding requirements, Medicare ensures that you receive the appropriate level of care tailored to your specific health needs. This nuanced approach underscores the importance of accurate diagnosis and the role it plays in determining the extent of chiropractic care coverage under Medicare.


Book a Chiropractic Appointment Today

Prioritize your well-being and take advantage of the chiropractic coverage offered by Medicare. To embark on a journey towards better health and pain relief, request an appointment with Ascent Chiropractic today. Begin your path to improved mobility, comfort, and overall vitality.

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Is The Chiropractor Good Or Bad?

When it comes to seeking healthcare options, there are often varying opinions and debates about the effectiveness and safety of different treatments. Chiropractic care is no exception. Some people swear by the benefits they have experienced from chiropractic adjustments, while others may have concerns or misconceptions about the practice. In this article, we will explore the role of chiropractors, the benefits of seeing a chiropractor, the potential risks involved, and ultimately help you make an informed decision about seeking chiropractic care.


What Do Chiropractors Do?

Chiropractors are healthcare professionals who specialize in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders related to the musculoskeletal system, particularly the spine. They believe that many health issues stem from problems with the nervous system, which can be caused by misalignments or subluxations of the spinal vertebrae. By performing spinal manipulations or adjustments, chiropractors aim to reduce nerve irritation and impingement, allowing the body to function optimally.

During an initial examination, chiropractors typically review your health history and may conduct physical tests to assess your condition. Based on their findings, they determine if chiropractic care is suitable for you. The treatment itself involves the use of their hands or sometimes mechanical adjusting tools to apply a targeted and controlled force to specific areas of the spine. This process aims to decrease nerve irritation, relieve pain, and restore proper functioning to the body.


Benefits Of Seeing A Chiropractor

There are several potential benefits associated with chiropractic care. Here are some key advantages:

Non-invasive approach: Chiropractic adjustments provide a drug-free and non-surgical alternative for managing pain and promoting overall wellness. This can be particularly appealing to those who prefer natural healing methods or want to avoid the potential side effects of medications or invasive procedures.

Reduced reliance on pain medication: Chiropractic care can help reduce the need for pain medications by addressing the underlying causes of pain rather than simply masking the symptoms. This can be beneficial for individuals who prefer to minimize their reliance on pharmaceuticals.

Symptom relief beyond pain: Many patients report improvements in various health issues beyond just pain relief. Chiropractic adjustments have been associated with enhanced mobility, increased energy levels, improved sleep, better immune function, and even relief from conditions such as headaches, migraines, and allergies.

Cost-effectiveness: Studies have shown that chiropractic care can be a cost-effective approach to healthcare. By addressing underlying issues and promoting wellness, it may help reduce the need for more expensive treatments or interventions in the long run.

Enhanced nervous system function: Chiropractic adjustments aim to restore proper communication between the nerves and the body, which can have a positive impact on overall health. When the nervous system functions optimally, the body’s natural healing abilities are enhanced.


Risks Of Seeing A Chiropractor

While chiropractic care is generally considered safe, it’s important to be aware of potential risks and side effects. Here are some factors to consider:

Post-adjustment soreness: Following a chiropractic adjustment, it is common to experience soreness or mild discomfort. This is often a result of the body adapting to the treatment and the release of fibrotic tissue that may have formed around spinal lesions over time. Applying ice can help reduce this reaction.

Neck adjustments: Adjustments in the neck area can carry a slightly higher risk compared to adjustments in other parts of the spine. However, chiropractors can use mechanical adjusting devices like the Activator, which have a proven track record of safety, to address concerns and minimize potential risks.

Stroke risk: There have been rare cases where strokes have been associated with neck adjustments. It is important to note that such incidents are extremely rare, and the risk is comparable to other daily activities. The overall malpractice rates for chiropractors are lower than those for many other medical professionals, indicating that the objective risk associated with spinal adjustments is generally low.

It’s crucial to communicate openly with your chiropractor, disclose any existing medical conditions, and address any concerns you may have before undergoing any treatment.


Consider Seeking Chiropractic Care Today

If you are interested in exploring chiropractic care for your health concerns, it is recommended to consult with a qualified and reputable Amarillo chiropractor. They can assess your condition, provide personalized treatment options, and answer any questions you may have.

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Heat or Ice for Neck Pain – Which is Better?

Dealing with neck pain can be uncomfortable and disrupt daily activities. Luckily, there are at-home therapies that can provide relief, such as heat and ice treatments. Understanding when and how to use heat or ice can make a significant difference in managing neck pain effectively. In this article, we will explore the benefits of heat and ice therapies, guidelines for their application, and when it’s necessary to seek medical attention for neck pain.


Using Ice Packs to Treat a Stiff Neck

If you have experienced trauma or an injury like whiplash, ice therapy can be vital for reducing inflammation and pain. Ice works by constricting blood vessels and limiting blood flow to the injured area, which helps alleviate swelling and numb the affected tissues, acting as a local anesthetic. For acute neck pain caused by recent trauma or intense inflammation, ice therapy is generally recommended.

When applying ice therapy, it’s important never to place ice directly on the skin. Instead, wrap the cold source, whether it’s a gel pack, ice pack, or a bag of frozen vegetables, in a light towel to prevent ice burn. Apply the cold therapy for no more than 20 minutes at a time and wait at least an hour before reapplying.


Heat Therapy for Neck Pain

Heat therapy is beneficial for relaxing muscles, reducing stiffness, and increasing circulation. It is most effective for chronic neck pain that persists over a longer period. If you have been experiencing dull, aching neck pain and stiffness for weeks or months, heat therapy can help by promoting circulation and driving out cellular waste that accumulates in tight muscles.

Moist heat is considered more effective as it penetrates muscles better and provides greater relief. However, dry heat can still increase circulation and assist in the healing process. You can use heating pads, warm towels, or take warm showers to apply heat therapy.


When Not to Use Ice or Heat on an Injury

There are certain situations where the application of heat or ice therapy is not recommended. Within the first 24 to 48 hours following an acute trauma or injury, heat therapy should be avoided. Heat can potentially increase swelling and inflammation during this early stage of healing. It’s also important to avoid heat therapy if there is a loss of feeling in the area, and if you have heart disease or are pregnant, consulting with your doctor before using heat therapy is advisable.



Cold therapy, such as ice treatments, should be avoided if you have diabetes or reduced sensitivity in the affected area. For chronic pain conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or chronically inflamed joints, heat therapy may be more beneficial. Individuals with poor circulation should avoid ice therapy and opt for heat therapy instead. If you have cardiovascular or heart disease, consulting with your doctor before using ice therapy is recommended.


Red Flags – Is it Something More Serious?

While heat and ice therapies can provide relief for many cases of neck pain, there are instances where seeking medical attention is crucial. If your neck pain is severe, lasts for weeks, significantly limits your ability to move your head, radiates into the shoulders, or feels worse in the morning, it’s important to consider seeing a doctor. Additional red flags include fever, weakness, or numbness in the arms, which warrant further evaluation. Underlying conditions such as arthritis, infection, or compressed nerves may be the cause of these symptoms.


Tired of Suffering From Neck Pain?

If you have been struggling with persistent neck pain and are tired of suffering, it may be time to seek professional help. Contact Dr. Ehle at Ascent Chiropractic and schedule an appointment today. Dr. Ehle is a trusted provider in Amarillo who specializes in neck pain management. He can assess your condition, recommend appropriate treatments, and guide you toward a path of recovery.


Request an Appointment today!

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Can a Chiropractor Help Knee Pain?

Knee pain is a common problem that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. Probably the most common reason for knee pain is daily activities like household chores, working in the yard and playing with grandkids. Other common factors include: injury, overuse, or medical conditions like arthritis. While there are several treatment options available, including medication, physical therapy, and surgery, some people also turn to chiropractic care for relief. Chiropractors use a holistic approach to healthcare that focuses on the relationship between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. This article explores the question, “Can a chiropractor help knee pain?” by examining the evidence and discussing the potential benefits and limitations of chiropractic care for knee pain.

Symptoms of Knee Pain and When to See a Chiropractor in Amarillo, Texas

When knee pain occurs, it can interfere with daily activities and make it difficult to enjoy the things that you love to do. A chiropractor is a vital part of the team needed to restore your knee to health. Depending on the cause of the knee pain and how it has progressed, a chiropractor may be the best choice to begin your treatment for knee pain. By using a holistic, natural approach to healthcare, chiropractors can help address the underlying causes of knee pain and help you get back to doing the things that you love.

The symptoms of knee pain can vary depending on the cause. The most common symptoms are pain, swelling, and redness. Knee pain may be worse during activities that stress it but does well during a normal day. It is important to pay attention to how your knee feels during different activities. Is it worse when walking, going up/down stairs, or does it interfere with playing tennis or pickleball? Does it interfere with walking or running? Understanding your knee pain symptoms can help your chiropractor develop an effective treatment plan to address the underlying causes of your knee pain.

It must be understood that a knee is basically two sticks standing end to end. What supports the two sticks? The muscles, tendons, and ligaments. If the muscles do not work like they should, you will develop knee pain. This is where a chiropractor can help. By testing the muscles, that is known as Applied Kinesiology or muscle testing, a chiropractor like Dr. Ehle can determine which muscles are not working properly and why. There are a dozen direct knee supporting muscles and tendons that must be examined to ensure a comprehensive understanding of the issue.

Dr. Ehle begins by testing the muscles around the knee. If the Quads are not working, he determines what is needed to restore function.  Most often it is a blockage in the nerve requiring spinal alignment.  It could also be a weakness in the acupuncture system that needs attention.

 This is very critical for the athlete that needs the knee to work to perform well. By addressing the underlying causes of knee pain, Dr. Ehle can help you restore normal function and reduce pain in the knee. With a comprehensive treatment plan that includes chiropractic care, exercise, acupuncture, massage and other therapies, you can get back to doing the things that you love without the limitations of knee pain. If you are experiencing knee pain, don’t wait to seek help. Contact Ascent Chiropractic in Amarillo, Texas today to schedule an appointment and start your journey to recovery.

Can Chiropractors Help Knee Problems?

Chiropractors are trained to diagnose and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal problems, including knee pain. They use a holistic, natural approach to healthcare that focuses on the relationship between the musculoskeletal system and the nervous system. Having over 30 years of experience, Dr. Ehle knows to look at other factors that produce knee pain.  This may include biomechanical issues of the low back, feet and even leg length differences.  If medical conditions such as inflammatory arthritis need attention, you would be referred to get the proper care. While the effectiveness of chiropractic care for knee pain may vary depending on the individual case, many people have reported significant improvement in their knee pain after receiving chiropractic treatment. Overall, chiropractors can play an important role in helping people manage knee pain and improve their overall quality of life.

What Knee Conditions Do Chiropractors Treat?

Chiropractors are trained to treat a wide range of knee conditions, including muscle weakness, ligament injuries, arthritis, and tendonitis. These conditions can cause pain, swelling, and difficulty with activities, and may require a comprehensive treatment plan to address the root cause of the problem. Chiropractors use a variety of techniques to help patients manage their knee pain, including spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapy, and exercise therapy. By focusing on the musculoskeletal system as a whole, chiropractors can identify underlying issues that may be contributing to knee pain and develop a personalized treatment plan to help patients achieve their health goals. In addition to treating knee conditions, chiropractors can also provide preventative care to help patients maintain optimal knee health and prevent future injuries.

How Do Chiropractors Treat Knee Pain?

Chiropractors use a variety of treatment options to help patients manage knee pain. One common approach is to reduce joint inflammation and pain through techniques like ultrasound therapy, trigger point therapy, acupuncture and shock wave therapy. These therapies can help reduce pain and swelling in the affected area, which can improve mobility and decrease discomfort. Another important aspect of chiropractic care for knee pain is normalizing joint function through spinal adjustment and posture correction. By addressing imbalances in the musculoskeletal system, chiropractors can help improve joint function and reduce the risk of future injuries. Rehabilitation through an exercise program is also an important component of chiropractic care for knee pain. Chiropractors can develop personalized exercise programs to help patients strengthen the muscles around the knee joint, which can improve stability and reduce the risk of further injury and falls. In some cases, low-level laser therapy may also be used to help reduce pain and inflammation in the affected area. Overall, chiropractors take a holistic approach to treating knee pain, addressing the root cause of the problem to help patients achieve optimal knee health and function.

If you are experiencing knee pain, Ascent Chiropractic is here to help, offering a wide range of treatment options to help manage knee pain and improve joint function. From spinal adjustments and acupuncture to exercise programs and massage therapy, we work with each patient to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and goals. Whether you are recovering from a sports injury or dealing with chronic knee pain, our team is here to support you every step of the way. Don’t let knee pain hold you back – request an appointment with Ascent Chiropractic today and take the first step toward optimal knee health.

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The Benefits of Chiropractic and Massage Combined

To maintain good health, our body needs both good nerve function and good muscle function. Chiropractic care focuses on restoring nerve function to muscles, improving mobility, and relieving pain. In contrast, massage therapy aims to improve muscle function and increase circulation. Both therapies are effective on their own, but when combined, they complement each other and provide a better outcome. By improving nerve and muscle function simultaneously, chiropractic and massage therapy can help to reduce pain, to increase range of motion and to accelerate the healing process. In this article, we will explore the benefits of combining chiropractic and massage therapy, and how they work together to improve circulation, relieve pain, and restore optimal function to the body.

What Health Issues Can Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy Help With?

Chiropractic care and massage therapy have been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of health issues. Some of the most common health issues that can be addressed with these therapies include headaches, neck and arm pain, lower back and leg pain as well as joint pain. In addition, specific conditions such as plantar fasciitis, tennis elbow, carpal tunnel, tarsal tunnel, hip bursitis, ankle sprain, and rotator cuff injuries can also benefit from these therapies. Chiropractic care realigns the spine, restores nerve function, improves joint mobility, and reduces pain, while massage therapy can help to relieve muscle tension and improve circulation. Together, these treatments can provide a comprehensive approach to managing pain and promoting overall health and well-being.

Should You Have a Massage Before or After Chiropractic Treatment? 

If you’re considering combining chiropractic care and massage therapy, you may be wondering whether you should have a massage before or after your chiropractic treatment. The truth is, there is no definitive answer, as it often depends on personal preference and the specific needs of the individual. That being said, both options have their benefits.

Having a massage before chiropractic treatment can help to loosen up muscles and promote relaxation, which can make it easier for the chiropractor to perform the necessary adjustments. Additionally, massage therapy can help to reduce tension and pain, making it a great way to prepare for your chiropractic appointment.

On the other hand, having a massage after chiropractic treatment can help to prolong the benefits of the adjustment, as it can help to relax muscles that may have tensed up in response to the adjustment. Massage therapy can also promote circulation and aid in the healing process, which can be especially beneficial after a chiropractic adjustment.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to have a massage before or after chiropractic treatment is a personal one. Some people may find that they prefer to have a massage before their chiropractic appointment, while others may prefer to have one after. It’s important to discuss your preferences with both your chiropractor and massage therapist to determine the best approach for your individual needs.

How Massage Therapy and Chiropractic Care Work Together for Better Results

Combining massage therapy and chiropractic care can provide a powerful approach to managing pain, improving mobility, and promoting overall health and wellness. Here are some of the ways these therapies work together to deliver better results:

Pain Relief

Both chiropractic care and massage therapy are effective at reducing pain. Chiropractic adjustments can help to alleviate the irritation and pressure on the nerve, while massage therapy can help to reduce muscle tension and inflammation, providing relief from pain.

Increased Mobility

Chiropractic adjustments can help to realign the spine and joints, while massage therapy can help to loosen up tight muscles, promoting greater range of motion and improved mobility.

Faster Recovery

By working together, chiropractic care and massage therapy can help to speed up recovery times from aches and pains that arise from everyday living as well as from injuries and surgeries. Chiropractic adjustments can help to restore proper alignment and function to the body, while massage therapy can help to promote circulation and aid in the healing process.

Enhanced Circulation

Chiropractic care and massage therapy is effective at promoting circulation. Patients often remark right after teh adjustment, “I feel the blood flowing again.” By increasing circulation, these two hands on treatments can help to improve healing times and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Promotes Healing

Both chiropractic care and massage therapy can promote healing by restoring proper function and reducing inflammation. Together, these treatments can help to create an optimal environment for the body to heal itself.

Reduced Stress

Massage therapy is well-known for its ability to reduce stress and promote relaxation. Chiropractic care plays a similar role by reducing mechanical stress within the musculoskeletal system. By reducing stress, these treatments can help to improve the body’s ability to heal and reduce the risk of future injuries.

Schedule Your Chiropractic Care and Massage Therapy Appointment in Amarillo, Texas

If you are looking to improve your overall health and wellness, consider combining chiropractic care and massage therapy. These two treatments work together to provide a holistic approach to managing pain, improving mobility, and promoting healing. Whether you are experiencing joint pain, muscle tension, or simply want to reduce stress, chiropractic care and massage therapy can help.

If you are in the Amarillo, Texas area, we invite you to schedule an appointment with a chiropractor and massage therapist at Ascent Chiropractic. Our experienced professionals will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan that meets your unique needs and helps you achieve your health goals. Don’t wait any longer, take the first step towards a healthier, happier you today. Request an appointment now and experience the benefits of chiropractic care and massage therapy for yourself.

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Amarillo Chiropractor Reviews

Real Reviews from Real Ascent Chiropractic Patients

I have now been a patient of Dr. Ehle for almost 6 months. I have been to chiropractic offices all over the US because of my job and Dr. Ehle is by far, above any service I have had. His ability to pinpoint the problem and effectively address it and treat it is spot on. Also, the kindest front desk receptionists and therapists. Just a blessing to have found Dr. Ehle!! – Victor

screenshot of a ascent chiropractic review


He is the best chiropractor in Amarillo and everything I went he always told me GLAD TO SEE YOUR BACK!!!!!!! – Larryscreenshot of patient review of ascent chiropractic


Gone to him for years. I was always getting cricks in my neck and after being adjusted I never got another crick in my neck. Now I go every once in a while just for maintenance. – Mitzi



My wife and I have been seeing Dr. Ehle for several years. He has resolved issues from knees to necks and everything in between. He’s not a 1 trick pony, as he will use several methods as he sees fit. The staff is always courteous, friendly, and helpful. No issues billing insurance, making and rescheduling appointments. – Justin


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